Business Continuity

With DRP being your reactive strategy to crisis, BCP (Business Continuity Planning) is your proactive strategy to ensuring your DRP does not need to be initiated.

SANWEAVER has specialists available to assist in all levels of engagement, from the BIA (Business Impact Analysis), through to the architecture and deployment of your continuity strategy.

Through the use of enabling technologies, we can help achieve an uptime as close to 100% as your budget allows. It is understood that any customer or client facing application and its underlying technologies can be available 24/7/365 and it is also understood that the cost to achieve 100% uptime is not within every organizational budget.

The three pillars to achieving a solid continuity solution are as follows:


Recovery Time Objective is the amount of time your organization has aligned to be back online, in the event of an outage.


Recovery Point Objective is the amount of acceptable data loss your organization will allow on an application-by- application basis.


Recovery Budget Allowance is the amount of budget allocated to achieve the RTO and RPO.

With these three imperative pillars, achievable solution options can be presented by SANWEAVER, to assist your organization in meeting is continuity mandate.

We have non-disruptive workshops designed to assist in defining your organizational RTO and RPO objectives, should you not already have these defined.

Although the RBA is essentially up to you, we have assisted our clients with a 3-Pillar workshop, which will assist in defining your RTO and RPO and then aligning these to an appropriate business case with low, medium and high-cost options to help you define your budget requirements.

As previously mentioned, we understand that if you throw enough money at a problem, you will likely achieve your desired outcome, but we help to work within your budget to come as close to your continuity objectives as possible.